Tuesday, March 13, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Fun for the Kids

I haven't celebrated St. Patty's Day since my college days. Now, since I have kids and one of them happens to absolutely LOVE the color green, I figured I'd better come up with something creative to do for the big day. Check out these creative ideas~
Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Green Jell-O Popcorn

Fruit Rainbow
A Lucky Breakfast
What's a holiday without family traditions? Here are some creative ways to get your kids in the St. Patty's Day spirit.

Check out this fun St. Patrick's Day family tradition from
Six Silly Seeleys
St. Patty's Day Treasure Hunt
Catching Leprechauns
And a reward for Mommy for making the day extra special! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Kiss Me, I'm Irish